Be prepared to learn about yourself inside out! From how your nervous system works to how society and your past have programmed you, causing your symptoms.
Instead of spending your session talking about others, and finding who to blame, you’ll go in and develop a conversation with and about YOU. You will learn how to recover confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of your true authentic self but mostly, peace of mind.
We will follow healing process (design laid out by Judith Herman) which consists of:
- Stabilization
- Processing
- Reprogramming
The most common modalities for each phase are:
- Mindfulness (ACT, CFT, etc.)
- Yoga, Tai Chi, Theater, EFT, etc.
- Hypnosis, EFT, Hakomi, Gestalt, Schema therapy, etc.
- Parts language (from IFS, sandbox, etc.)
- Biofeedback (breathing, HRV)
- Neuromodulation (Entrainment, brain stimulation)
- Neurofeedback
- Somatic Experiencing/Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
- Internal Family Systems
- Plant Medicine
- Sensory Deprivation
- Narrative therapy
- Positive psychology
- Grief and loss counselling
- Social skills training
- Hypnosis, etc.
- Healthy Lifestyle
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